Switch Mode
Novels are now completely moved over. I will leave a link on the first chapter of each novel for easy access. If you are blocked and can't access the website, please use a VPN and the easiest thing to do is select a non-Asian country as the VPN Server. I always use Opera browser as my VPN, since it is free and very convenient to use. But you can also google search a ton of free VPNs.

Join Us


Hopefully, you are enjoying the novels on the site and wish to join me in making it grow. I wish to make it a good community for BL readers and spread even more novels for you to read.

I do prefer 18+ members to join due to time management issues when younger, but if you think you can handle the commitment, please feel free to apply anyway.

(If you fill in the application form, please wait for 1-7 days for an email reply)


I am looking for someone who can translate on a regular schedule. This will preferably be at least one chapter a week or every two weeks.

Machine translators are naturally accepted, since I am one myself, but they have to be of decent and readable quality, which is why there is a translation test.

You are free to pick up any new project or move over a novel you are already translating!

If you are already a translator and interested in moving your project over to the website, you just have to give the URL to your current project in the recruitment form below so I can check the quality. I can also move over the project for you!

Why join?

-All that is required is for you to translate, proofread and post according to the schedule you decide at the beginning. Next and previous chapter links and the table of contents are automatically done. In addition, if you wish, I can post the chapters in your place and you just have to translate and proofread it.

-Ad revenue will be shared based on views, and this will accumulate as the project you work on has more chapters released and more views.

-You can create your own Patreon and ko-fi links to supplement your income.

-You can write blog posts about things you are interested in talking about, start discussions or give recommendations for novels.

Recruitment Form Link (Click here)